Hey guys! Guess what? It's November!
Hey guys! Guess what I should be doing? Working toward my 40,000 word novel!
National Novel Writing Month is not a National event. It's an event that people from all over the world participate in, and they are all trying to get 50,000 words in one month. This is my first year for the Adult program, and I fell a little behind in the beginning of the month, so I changed my goal to at least 40,000 words.
My novel is a YA book about this girl named Penny Richar who becomes aware that she is being read. As in a book. It's been very interesting to write. The title is Fourth Wall Falling, and it's really fun! I'm excited to share my story. . Here's a cover that was designed for me by NaNo user impossiblepond, who you can find here.
This is what it looks like!
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a word goal to reach!